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Bart and a young woman of Hispanic origins waited. She sniffed the packet and nodded to Bart. He handed me 20 one-hundred dollar bills. We said less than twenty words total. The meeting consisted of them taking the pot, and me taking the money, then leaving quickly.I stopped at the Diary Queen for a cup of coffee before I returned to the farm. I did hope that Sylvia didn't intend to try roping me back in. If she did try, she would be in for a large surprise. I absolutely did not need her money or the excitement.I went back to the farm and I forgot all about the transaction. Hannah and I finished the harvesting house number one. It was the largest of the houses. We pulled all the plants, then put them onto a small trailer. We used it to transport twenty or more plants at a time to the processing shed.When I bought the place the processing shed was just another three sided building with an open front and a door cut in the rear. Just as soon as I determined that we needed a processing. You'll destroy her if you even think of blaming her for what happened," she said trying to keep her feelings under control. "Bill Rogers needs to rot in hell!"I felt my stomach knot up. Dr. Hebert had turned her hands into fists, struggling to keep control and Mary was quietly crying. Tom had a stony face that did not bode well. I stood up and paced trying to get my feelings under control. I could only imagine what had happened to her to cause all the craziness. Tom got up and made himself a scotch. We all took a moment to collect ourselves.I noticed that Tom didn't drink his scotch, but set it down on the end table next to him."Sorry, that was unprofessional of me. When Tracy is telling you what happened, please don't interrupt her. It will be hard enough for her to get it out. Let her talk herself out, and remember your love for her, and that we are here for Tracy."She waited till we all agreed and then went and got Tracy. When she came into the room, I stood up. She still had a.
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